This is just a place to give my thoughts so that they do not eat me alive. I may post about my Life, music, sports or whatever I feel like.

James Harrison...being...well...James Harrison...Men's Journal interview. Speaks on the commisioner and his team.

Here is the original link...

This is the part that has everyone in an uproar...

On high and low hits:
“I get dinged about three times a year and don’t know where I am for a little minute. But unless I’m asleep, you’re not getting me out of the game, and most guys feel the same way. If a guy has a choice of hitting me high or low, hit me in the head and I’ll pay your fine. Just don’t hit me in the knee, ‘cause that’s life-threatening. How’m I going to feed my family if I can’t run?”

On the 2004 season:
“I should have another ring. We were the best team in football in 2004, but the Patriots, who we beat during the regular season, stole our signals and picked up 90 percent of our blitzes [in the AFC title game]. They got busted for it later, but, hey, they’re Goodell’s boys, so he slapped ‘em $500,000 and burned the tapes. Was he going to rescind their Super Bowls? Man, hell no!”

On the two interceptions thrown by Ben Roethlisberger in last year’s Super Bowl:
“Hey, at least throw a pick on their side of the field instead of asking the D to bail you out again. Or hand the ball off and stop trying to act like Peyton Manning. You ain’t that and you know it, man; you just get paid like he does.”

On Pittsburgh safety Troy Polamalu:
“He’s the one guy in football I respect absolutely, ‘cause he’s spiritual and lives it like he talks it. You know, he gets more flags than anyone on our team but never gets fined for nothin’. He’s so polite and talks so softly that he could tell he could tell Goodell to kiss his ass, and Goodell would smile and say thank you.”

You can read the rest of the article but I want to talk specifically about these parts of it and people's reactions to it.

First of all, it is JAMES HARRISON. When has he NOT spoken his mind? This is the same dude that refused to go to the White House. Pulled the crazy fan off the field. Basically does CRAZY SHIT. All. The. Time. So color me surprised that he did an interview, saying things that most wouldn't say and he didn't flinch. It is your own fault if you are shocked James said these things.

Second, did he lie? I mean, lets go back and look at what he REALLY SAID. I mean did he lie? Did he not say pretty much the SAME THINGS THAT WE HAVE ALL SAID about all of those situations in some shape, form or fashion? Oh... Which leads me to the third and probably biggest point..

You people and your selective 'uncouth' tolerance. Your creed is flawed Jack..

"Everybody wants folks to be themselves and speak out...until they say some shit that you don't like.. As usual. Now cats want him to shut up" - Me on Twitter earlier on this very subject. 

I say that because for some of you, when James was speaking on the hitting issues and the fines, you were ALL FOR IT. When he went in on other subjects it was cool because he 'spoke his mind'. You loved it. Now that he does an interview speaking on Ben (right or wrong) or on Mendy (right or wrong) you wanna turn on him. It is your own fault though. See, the thing about condoning folk's unbridled behavior with out holding them to some standard is that is that you can't 'control what they might say. One day the 'verbal gun' is gonna get pointed back at you. Which is why I don't PROMOTE just wholehearted 'outspokenness without thinking' like many of you do. Now you want someone to 'control' him or to 'shut him up'. Don't beg off now. You should have thought about that when you said 'If BEAST doesn't want to see the President he doesn't have to...' or set the standard earlier. Now I am not saying James hasn't always been like this as I have not known hm his whole life. I DO KNOW, however that since he has been in the spotlight, this is his M.O. and not too many who are INSIDE the fan base or a fan of (for lack of a better term) 'asshole 101 speak' (Where you show NO TACT TO THE SITUATION AND SAY EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL AT ALL TIMES. CONSEQUENCES BE DAMMED..) have been outraged. Now that he is calling out teammates, its a problem. Thing is, WHAT EXACTLY THE HELL DO YA'LL THINK THE WORD 'accountability' means when you spout it off after these players make mistakes? We all get on Twitter and Facebook and say things 100 TIMES WORSE than what James said. Hell, if he had called out William Gay I would be ELATED truthfully. Players messed up and he spoke on it. I don't see the big deal. Your favorite player does that shit and it is 'leadership'. James does it and it is 'being an ass'. Make up your minds people. He spoke up. If his teammates don't like it, they will say something to him. (Yeah...yeah..yeah..I know YOU WOULDN'T SAY ANYTHING TO HIM..way to make it all about you again. Good job Champ!)

Furthermore, STOP ACTING SHOCKED when James Harrison says things that maybe 'you wouldn't say'. Isn't that what you demand out of folks? Honesty? 

Or are you mad because James Harrison took all the 'speculation' out of what he is thinking and has reduced your 'lol' joke pool? @ those of you use 'speculation' as fodder for jokes. I know for some of you Life is no fun if you can't speculate about what others are feeling. (No, I am serious. I really think some of you have issues with that. Especially some of you dudes. Ya'll say girls gossip and speculate but man.....some of you ninjas is bitches too- Snoop) 

In any event, stay mad/shocked about whatever James said. Just remember, this is what he does and YOU ASKED FOR IT. Encouraged it even. Don't get mad now... 

*This post was in no way, shape or form MEANT TO be some 'journalistic' view. I wrote what I felt. You can deal with it or.....Oh and I didn't write about Hines because I don't 'know' enough about it to write on it other than the charge itself. Haven't found much really. Enlighten me if you happen to be privy. I would like to know more details myself.  

I see Rashard responded to the fumble comments.... here is the hotlink to the ESPN link...




November 18th, 2023. Still being able to have joy for others.

Her death never took that from me.  Losing my Mama and Daddy never took this from me.  Life hasn't taken this away from me. Bitter exes ...