This is just a place to give my thoughts so that they do not eat me alive. I may post about my Life, music, sports or whatever I feel like.

(Stops the show) Gotta say I am enjoying the fact that some of you are adult enough

to come here for what you do and LOOK AROUND for the other stuff. Hats off to you that do that. Especially if you are at least clicking on the musical artists on the page or clicking the other links. A lot of you don't arrive here for that (as I am just a blip on the 'blog scene' truthfully) but at least once you are here, you click the links. I see the OT Records clicks, the Foreign Exchange clicks. The clicks on the interviews and the bullying articles. Thank you for that...



November 18th, 2023. Still being able to have joy for others.

Her death never took that from me.  Losing my Mama and Daddy never took this from me.  Life hasn't taken this away from me. Bitter exes ...