This is just a place to give my thoughts so that they do not eat me alive. I may post about my Life, music, sports or whatever I feel like.

I've Been Single Since August..

No amount of TikToks, voices in people's heads or empath energy changes that fact. When I'm not single anymore, I won't be. 

Not here to tell anyone else how fast or slow they should move on either. Surely won't let you dictate via therapy words how fast or WHO I should do so with either. You don't get to do that. Good try though. 

I will say this, since you keep coming here. Get outta the past. It's how you doomed your last relationship. 

Do you. Over there. 



*Looks at the tracker* 


Edit: This was put in a place that I still think fits but that these two don't DESERVE to be in that place. 

I gave a pretty nice version of what happened in 2015 up until now but since people want to lie and speak on me at length on different platforms, I'll just respond here. It works better. 

We are going to let them lie. Why? 

They contradict themselves every time and the lies unravel. You can't possibly be living your best life, not be thinking about your ex ALL WHILE texting anon shit to/stalking your ex boyfriend. Especially while you have a man. Or while you are married. Oh, he came to you? Ya sure? According to here and this anon Instagram profile you admitted to being behind, I dunno. Provide where he came to you. You can't. I never do. That's why you are mad. I don't chase. I give chances though. But you do... You chase. Harass... 

I digress though because: 

Those that want to believe these two nuts because they've experienced things will believe. Those that can see through the bullshit will see it. No post is going to change that. They will keep living. I'll keep living. Knew neither one of them 7 years ago & they had PLENTY OF PROBLEMS then. All on public record. I don't have to lie about that. Anyone who REALLY KNOWS THEIR NAMES can attest to that. 

It was why anyone who knew me got mad at me for dealing with them in the first place. They knew. They didn't fully say but they knew. Wait, YOUR AUNT TAMMY KNEW. She tried to tell me at the first dinner. You got so mad.. I see why. She wasn't lying.. @ "Make sure you don't run this one off" comment she made IN FRONT OF ME to you. 

The other one? I didn't want to believe that she was just seeking revenge on the Father of her child for things he 'did'. As well as still go against her Father's wishes as far as who she dated. In hindsight, it's REALLY OBVIOUS but then? I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. I should have just treated her as someone casually and that's it. We could have accomplished what she wanted had she just told me. Without involving other people. 
They really didn't have an audience before this weekend and it was driving them nuts. Or at least my attention directly that they could see.

So they poked the Bear. On purpose. Then mocked the Bear when it reacted. Sounds like a certain type of activity. 

Pictures SENT TO MY PHONE DIRECTLY VIA AN UNKNOWN NUMBER of one of them hugged up after the breakup didn't do it. I knew you were hoeing the whole time ma'am. You've admitted as much in text many times and your current attitude towards things backs it up. Careful where you lie. Keep it to those cute as Tik Tok videos.  

No response from me. 

Screenshots of Instagram stories sent in the same way didn't do it. 

No response from me. 

Phone calls from random numbers..

No response. 

They brought out the heavy hitters. My children and this time of year. 

They waited for THIS weekend & got a little shine because it is a rough time. 

They got a response FINALLY. They are over there snickering all about it now. Huddled up in text conversation. Congratulating each other for 'being strong" for speaking out and shit. About damage they caused. Baggage they brought to me. About me being the root to their problems. Problems they had before me and continue to have. 

They mocked the death & the experience after it. As per their usual when I was with them. Oh, they gave the fake love during that time and in public only to mock it soon after in private. 

They did it mainly behind the scenes though. 

I bring out all the things they've said ,with evidence JUST HERE, they get ALL THE ATTENTION they want. @ screenshots and stuff. 

No need. 

We'll play the long game here. Let's see if that's really what's good. I have every conversation. Not because I'm obsessed but you can't dispute what you typed. Facts over fiction and make believe. Folks who love to lie love to make fun of you for keeping information. It makes the lies harder to pull off. They make fun of you enough, you erase the truth and boom. They get to continue to do what they do. 

Bravo Ladies. Bravo. Well done. Looks like you had your fun. I won't be 'killing myself'' anytime soon though. Like you suggested I do. (It's IN writing but go ahead... lie. You'll be believed just off your skin tone. You know it too..Use those privies you two 'allies'.). I remember a time when you both were at that point though. Be careful. You BOTH cried in my arms and one of you put it in text. Be careful now.. 

You guys could NEVER make me do that. Not you. I got through what I got through despite your presence. I surely wouldn't stop now. I won't be killing myself anytime soon thanks. 

I'm the narcissist though. @ what you two are doing. I'm the one that needs therapy according to you two? 


Let's see if it was worth it in the long run...

It isn't as if anything I can say to the two narcisstic people is going to change their minds. They've been trying to get my attention for the better part of 3 months with all the tactics above. They let it ALL OUT this weekend. 

I'll sit on what I've learned. A blog post is light. I could make it not light but eh..

Perhaps the information in other hands might though do some things... The Internet you can log off from..It's real Life though & at least one of them knows this first hand. They've almost lost everything behind it that but apparently they forgot. 

Let's see where the information ends up. Since this is all for 'kicks'. Let's REALLY make it for 'kicks'. No crying though and playing victim okay?  Give it a minute though.. 

We'll see... 

Enjoy the attention you got this weekend ladies. I got all the confirmation I need as to why you both got blocked and cut off. 

Back to radio silence for both of you. Yes, both of you. You both came over to see what I had to say and have been for months.. Nobody came to you first. You came to me. In multiple places. Go ahead and lie to the people though. 

Like you always do. Both of you. 

The story will be told. One way or another... Compare notes and get back to playing relationship games and living vicariously through the other one's game playing since you are now married, respectively... '

May both of you somehow manage not to affect your children with the ugly hearts you both have. @ what you've said about my kids. Grown or not. Good luck with all of that. We know how that turns out.. 



November 18th, 2023. Still being able to have joy for others.

Her death never took that from me.  Losing my Mama and Daddy never took this from me.  Life hasn't taken this away from me. Bitter exes ...