This is just a place to give my thoughts so that they do not eat me alive. I may post about my Life, music, sports or whatever I feel like.

Even more Halloween costume pictures..Jeny Romero, Bernice Burgos, Sasha Delvalle,Kim Kardashian

and some more regular folks too actually. I thought I would mix it up a bit.

Cats got creative...

Rosa Acosta....

Yvette Martinez..

Some Boston area professional sports players...(Lets see if you can figure out who it is...)

Some Atlanta Hawks...

Share: (State) ....

This guy got some great pictures...Go read the story here.

Here is a hint...The injuries to the Bison are NOT INFLICTED by the Grizzly believe it or not...

Here are a few pictures. There are more at the link along with the FULL story. (Thanks to my friend in Montana that hipped me to the story.)


More Halloween pictures rolling in...Rosci, Ciara, D. Wade, Sammy(Jersey Shore) & more..

Lana Foxx

Okay...I think I have done enough posts to the point that this will be the one that I 'add' pictures too. So just come back to this periodically and check it. Unless an 'event' has a pictures of Halloween costumes in which case, I will give said event its own post. Deal? Aight. Good.

Pretty sure you saw Diamond (@DiamondAtl) get her car repo'd. Here's video of her w/it back.

Seems there was a glitch in the matrix. Yeah..yeah..yeah..likely story- You. It happens. Don't know if it did in this case but having worked for several financial institutions, I personally can say it can happen. I am sure you will just error on the side that she is lying about though..since know all....How's that million dollars you made last year coming along? Oh wait, you don't have a millie yet...My bad playa...As you were..

She tweeted a pic earlier...

Here is the video of the car being taken off the set....

Clearing up the incident...

With both cars..

Not exactly how it was when you had to tell folks your car 'got' stolen when they came to get your shit now isn't? @ those doubting 'cause they 'know' how that works...



November 18th, 2023. Still being able to have joy for others.

Her death never took that from me.  Losing my Mama and Daddy never took this from me.  Life hasn't taken this away from me. Bitter exes ...