I actually got a chance to sit down with Meek Mill in Dover, Delaware on the campus of Delaware State University before he went on to perform with my boy Shizz Nitty of OT Records. He was down there to support Shizz and I respected the hell out of him for that.
Here are some of the things we discussed. Very laid back brother and he was gracious with his time. He was also sincere which was impressive to me. There is a little clip of this interview that I may put up later. We will see how it plays out.
Since I knew I would be interviewing him, I took some questions that people who I know wanted to ask him. His fans if you will. Some 'haters' but fans too. Most of the folks I fielded questions from were not from the Tri-State area but had 'heard of him'. I did put in one of my own personal questions but the vast majority of these are things that people wanted to know about him or hear him speak on. As the title says, this was in between his deal with Maybach and his Grand Hustle 'affiliation'. He had the Tri-State on FIRE during this time though and Rose Red was BANGING IN THE CLUBS. He had JUST dropped his Gangsta Grillz joint with Drama as well.
We are going to just get straight into....
TW- Me
MM- Meek Mill
TW: If a person who is not from the Tri-State area or has NEVER heard of Meek Mill wanted to understand Meek Mill's style and flavor, what tape would you recommend them to get?
MM- I would tell 'em to get the newest thing out ya dig? My new material is my old material...(chuckles a bit) Get that Flamerz 3!
TW: I actually follow you on Twitter just so you know so this next question stems from that. How was Atlanta? Was that your first time there?
MM- (A lil agitated understandably as the question wasn't phrased correctly by the interviewer) Not at all...I been down there PLENTY OF TIMES. Not my first time down that way. I gets it in Atlanta.
TW: Was that your first time in the studio with Young Dro and 'em or have ya'll linked up before? Did you get a chance to catch up with him when he was in Philly awhile ago?
It is what we do. When I am in Atlanta, we hit the studio. Him, Tip, and everybody..We get it in.
TW: How did you and Shizz form the obvious bond that exists between the two of you? The chemistry on the records is incredible.
He is RIGHT NEXT DOOR in Delaware. I see him doing his thing. I am doing my thing. WHY WOULDN'T I? I like to see other niggas on their grind and doing good. We have a great relationship. That's my man right there.
TW: Name one producer that you haven't worked with that you would like to do so? I mean, I have heard you go over the best (and did well might I add) but who out of those that you have not worked with officially would you choose?
Man..I wanna work with 'em all..Swizz, Dre,Timbo.. all of them. Doesn't matter to me. I want to do work with them all. From the youngest to the newest...
TW: This last one is a personal question of MINE. What point did you first know that 'I might be onto something here..' with this rap thing.
I knew when I pressed up my first 25 CDs and niggas was making copies of them faster than I could put 'em out myself..I knew right then...yeah this might be....
TW: It has been a pleasure.
MM- No problem.*
You can actually WATCH the interview below. The audio is a lil muffled so that is why I wrote out the interview. Bare in mind I also spoke to him afterwards off camera some.
Shout out to Matty Gate$/Charlie Mack (First Out The Limo!) for making that interview possible.
*As you can see, he WAS MORE THAN ON TO SOMETHING..@ his subsequent signing and hits...
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